P3: Explain Different Lighting Settings

       P3: Explain Different Lighting Settings

In this report, I will discuss the different type of lighting that is available for us to use in our music video. I will also talk about the different lighting techniques we can produce and how they effect the enviroment and our emotions.

                                     Lighting Equipment

Here you can see a softbox light with an LED bulb. This light has a plug that you need to connect to electrical ports. This makes it impossible to use this lighting outside, but it can be used inside.

This is an LED light panel. This light is battery powered and needs to be attached to a tripod. This is ideal for outside lighting since you are not being limited to a plug socket unlike the softbox light. 

                                                       Tungsten Lighting

 Tugsten lighting refers to the light bulbs with the same name. These light bulbs contain halogen gas with a tungsten filament. This light creates an orange/warm glow and can reach to really hot temperatures. A single tungsten light can light up a whole room. They are powerful, but they require a lot of power. These light bulbs were used in traditional lamps and lighting in the past. Tungsten bulbs can also be controlled (make the lighting brighter or dimer) to create different effects.

 These lights can be used to produce an ambient effect, this helps us create an illusion of natural daylight. They are utilised to create indoor lighting, usually from lamps or candlelight. This lighting makes the scene feel safe and homely to us.

                                                    HDMI Lighting


HDMI lights are mainly used for outdoor lighting, these lights are very strong and are used by large film companies. They are usually used to simulate the sun. However, they can also be used as spotlights for indoor lighting. HDMI stands for Hyrargyrum Medium-Arc-Length. Although the lighting is very powerful, a lot of electricity is needed to run this lighting. They are also very expensive and bulky. However, the lighting is brilliant.



                                                    On Camera Lighting


There are lots of lights that you can attach to cameras to create key light. They are usually battery operated and adjustable, inexpensive and easy to use. These lights can be used for movies, music videos and even vlogging. A lot of YouTubers use ring lights for their videos since they reduce shadows in the video.

                         Lighting Techniques

Here you can see us experimenting with three point lighting. As shown in the diagram above, to achieve three point lighting we need a back light, key light and fill light with the camera directed towards the subject. This is the lecture theater in our college, we will be filming the perfomance scene of out music video here. As you can see, we have used an LED desk lamp for our backlight, a softbox light for the fill light and an LED light panel for the key light. The key light produces the lightest areas, the fill light helps to create the cinematic shadows and the backlight creates a distinct contrast, seperating the subject from the background.

                                                   Chiaroscuro Lighting

chiaroscuro lighting is used to create shadow on one side of the face and light on the other. This effect can be created by directing a light towards one side of the subject's face. As you can see here, we have angled the LED light panel up to Liam's face to create shadow on the right of his face. This only requires a key light. This lighting technique is most commonly used in the following genres: Detective, film noirs, mystery pop punk, rock.

Chiaroscuro lighting can be used to create a sense of mystery or make us feel unsettled. The character may be seen as evil or they might be observed as having split personality. In a scene, this lighting makes us feel scared and wary of the environment.


                                                       Bounce Lighting

Bounce lighting is a lighting tecnhique that uses reflective materials to re-direct the light from a strong key light source, diffuse the light and spread it across a larger surface area. There are several ways you can create bounce lighting depending on what effect you are trying to produce. Walls and celings, reflectors, fabric and bonce boards can be used to create this type of lighting.This technique can be used in combination wih the three point lighting technique.

Natural, soft lighting can be produced using the bounce lighting technique. The light is not as harsh as it would normally be. This is great for indoor lighting. Romantic movies could use this lighting technique with tungsten lighting to create a warm scene.


                                                   Practical Lighting


Practical lighting refers to lights that you can actually see on screen in a scene. Lots of lights can be practical: lamps, torches, chandeliers, string lights... In Stanger Things season one, Joyce uses Christmas string lights to communicate to her son Will who is in the upside down. This lighting is not only practical, but it is part of the plot. Most practical lighting is used to create ambience and asthetic for the scene depending on the genre of the media product.



               Lighting and Techniques for our Music Video



Our music video is going to be for the song Nightmare by Set It Off. The pop punk genre will greatly influence the lighting and filming choices we make. The pop punk genre uses a wide range of lighting techniques to establish the scene.

In the "Better Without You" music video, you can see Evanescence have used red lighting and also flashing lights throughout. This symbolises rage and revenge and also fits the rock/pop punk genre.

In the Hysteria music video by Muse, they use chiaroschuro lighting to show the dark intentions of the stalker. This also shows how the man has a split personality and something dark is happening. Chiaroscuro is part of the rock/pop punk genre.

In our music video, the character is running away from a monster in different nightmare scenarios. In the first and last scenes (before and after the music plays), the character is going to be in their bedroom. They will take some pills then go to sleep in the first scene. We might just use on camera lighting with an LED battery powered light panel. We will use a red gel light filter to create red light. We will also use minimum lighting here. When the character walks down a dark alleyway, we are planning to film this in the sunset so the street light is lit up. This could work for chiaroscuro lighting possibly. In the school hallway scenes, we will use regular lights. In our peformance scene we will use a combinatino of three point lighting, chisroschuro lighting and we will use red lighting too. This will happen in the lecture theater in college. We will use a microphone on a stand as a prop.


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